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Rails 4 strong params error: no implicit conversion of Symbol into String

I am importing the data from a spreadsheet to the app database.

The data is parsed by rows. Each parsed row looks like:

  :school=>"Graduate School of Business",
  :name=>"Graduate School of Business",
  :program=>"MBA Program",
  :intro=>"The Stanford MBA Program is a two-year, full-time, residential program.",
  :students_number=>"Approximately 80 annually",

To create a department:

 # att is the hash shown above
    department =
    if !
        puts "Error: \n department can't be save: #{department.errors.full_messages}"

 def department_params params

But I got the error:

no implicit conversion of Symbol into String

which points to


How could I fix it? Thanks!


  • Getting rails-api and strong_parameters to work together

    I think it'll be something very similar. You just need to include ActionController::StrongParameters not require as described in linked question.

    In my case it was adding new initializer with

    ActionController::API.send :include, ActionController::StrongParameters