I'm working on an app which has just one activity (which extends BaseGameActivity), and switch between multiple fragments (much like Google's sample code states).
I'm testing a multi-player game right now, on 2 separate devices. Both users can successfully log-in, send messages to each other, etc. However, the instant one user rotates their device, they get kicked out of the room.
I think this makes sense because the activity is getting destroyed and recreated. But what I don't understand is what do we need to do to allow the user to rotate their device and KEEP the game state (logged in, joined to a room, etc) in tact?
One thought: android:configChanged="orientation|screenSize" - But Android discourages that (for good reasons, in most cases) - but is this the way we have to go with Google Play Game Services to stay in a room on device orientation change?
What about using "onRetainNonConfigurationInstance()" to save the GameHelper instance, and use it again when the activity is recreated?
Or somehow implement the game connection (sign-in, room joining, etc) in a Service?
Or am I thinking about this all the wrong way?! Thanks for your thoughts & help. Code example(s) would also be much appreciated if possible.
Thank you to @Sheldon for pointing me in the right direction regarding setRetainInstance(true)
on a 'headless' fragment. That's the route I took in solving this problem, and now I'd like to paste my code here to hopefully help others. But first:
As stated in the Question, a device orientation change will destroy the MainActivity extends BaseGameActivity
, and with it your game state (ie. your connection to Google Play Services). However, we can put all our GameHelper code into a 'headless' Fragment (a fragment without a UI), with setRetainInstance(true)
declared. Now, when our MainActivity extends FragmentActivity
is destroyed on an orientation change, the headless fragment gets stopped, and even detached, but not destroyed! (onDestroy()
is not called) When MainActivity
is re-created by Android, our headless fragment gets re-attached to it automatically. At this time, in our headless fragment, onCreate()
is NOT called. So onCreate()
is the place we connect to GameHelper. We can disconnect from GameHelper in onDestroy()
because this will never get called, except when the Application finishes (which, at that time, it's ok to kill our connection).
Note: I think GameHeaderFragment.java
should probably be broken up into an Abstract class and a game-specific class which inherits from it (but I didn't do that here).
Here's what I came up with (please forgive the areas where my game-specific code interweaves):
public class GameHelperFragment extends Fragment implements GameHelperListener, OnInvitationReceivedListener, RoomUpdateListener, RoomStatusUpdateListener, RealTimeMessageReceivedListener {
protected MainActivity mActivity = null;
// The game helper object. This class is mainly a wrapper around this object.
protected GameHelper mHelper;
final static int MAX_NUM_PLAYERS = 4;
// Request codes for the UIs that we show with startActivityForResult:
final static int RC_SELECT_PLAYERS = 10000;
final static int RC_INVITATION_INBOX = 10001;
final static int RC_WAITING_ROOM = 10002;
// We expose these constants here because we don't want users of this class
// to have to know about GameHelper at all.
public static final int CLIENT_GAMES = GameHelper.CLIENT_GAMES;
public static final int CLIENT_APPSTATE = GameHelper.CLIENT_APPSTATE;
public static final int CLIENT_PLUS = GameHelper.CLIENT_PLUS;
public static final int CLIENT_ALL = GameHelper.CLIENT_ALL;
// Requested clients. By default, that's just the games client.
protected int mRequestedClients = CLIENT_GAMES;
protected String mSigningInMessage = "Signing in with Google";
protected String mSigningOutMessage = "Signing out";
// Custom Members
String mMyId = "";
String mRoomId = "";
ArrayList<Participant> mParticipants = null;
int mCurrentlyPlayingIdx = 0; // idx into mParticipants
boolean mIsMultiplayer = false;
boolean mWaitRoomDismissedFromCode = false;
public interface GameHelperFragmentListener {
void onSignInFailed();
void onSignInSucceeded();
void onInvitationReceived(Invitation invitation);
void showMainMenu();
void showWaitScreen();
void startGame();
void participantLeftAtIdx(int idx);
void handleRealTimeMessage(RealTimeMessage rtm);
GameHelperFragmentListener mListener;
public GameHelperFragment() {
Log.d("mab", "GHFrag.Constructor()");
* Sets the requested clients. The preferred way to set the requested clients is
* via the constructor, but this method is available if for some reason your code
* cannot do this in the constructor. This must be called before onCreate in order to
* have any effect. If called after onCreate, this method is a no-op.
* @param requestedClients A combination of the flags CLIENT_GAMES, CLIENT_PLUS
* and CLIENT_APPSTATE, or CLIENT_ALL to request all available clients.
protected void setRequestedClients(int requestedClients) {
mRequestedClients = requestedClients;
public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
Log.d("mab", this + ": onAttach(" + activity + ")");
mActivity = (MainActivity) activity;
mListener = (GameHelperFragmentListener) activity;
public void onCreate(Bundle b) {
Log.d("mab", this + ": onCreate()");
mHelper = new GameHelper(mActivity);
mHelper.setup(this, mRequestedClients); //'this' => GameHelperListener
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
return null; // Headless Fragment
public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Log.d("mab", this + ": onActivityCreated()");
public void onDestroy() {
Log.d("mab", this + ": onDestroy()");
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int responseCode, Intent data) {
Log.d("mab", this + ": onActivityResult(" + requestCode + ")");
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, responseCode, data);
mHelper.onActivityResult(requestCode, responseCode, data);
switch (requestCode) {
// we got the result from the "select players" UI -- ready to create the room
handleSelectPlayersResult(responseCode, data);
// we got the result from the "select invitation" UI (invitation inbox). We're
// ready to accept the selected invitation:
handleInvitationInboxResult(responseCode, data);
// ignore result if we dismissed the waiting room from code:
if (mWaitRoomDismissedFromCode) break;
// we got the result from the "waiting room" UI.
if (responseCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
} else if (responseCode == GamesActivityResultCodes.RESULT_LEFT_ROOM) {
// player actively indicated that they want to leave the room
} else if (responseCode == Activity.RESULT_CANCELED) {
// Handle the result of the "Select players UI" we launched when the user clicked the
// "Invite friends" button. We react by creating a room with those players.
private void handleSelectPlayersResult(int responseCode, Intent data) {
if (responseCode != Activity.RESULT_OK) {
Log.w("mab", "*** select players UI cancelled, " + responseCode);
Log.d("mab", "Select players UI succeeded.");
// get the invitee list
final ArrayList<String> invitees = data.getStringArrayListExtra(GamesClient.EXTRA_PLAYERS);
Log.d("mab", "Invitee count: " + invitees.size());
// get the automatch criteria
Bundle autoMatchCriteria = null;
int minAutoMatchPlayers = data.getIntExtra(GamesClient.EXTRA_MIN_AUTOMATCH_PLAYERS, 0);
int maxAutoMatchPlayers = data.getIntExtra(GamesClient.EXTRA_MAX_AUTOMATCH_PLAYERS, 0);
if (minAutoMatchPlayers > 0 || maxAutoMatchPlayers > 0) {
autoMatchCriteria = RoomConfig.createAutoMatchCriteria(
minAutoMatchPlayers, maxAutoMatchPlayers, 0);
Log.d("mab", "Automatch criteria: " + autoMatchCriteria);
// create the room
Log.d("mab", "Creating room...");
RoomConfig.Builder rtmConfigBuilder = RoomConfig.builder(this);
if (autoMatchCriteria != null) {
Log.d("mab", "Room configured, waiting for it to be created...");
// Handle the result of the invitation inbox UI, where the player can pick an invitation
// to accept. We react by accepting the selected invitation, if any.
private void handleInvitationInboxResult(int response, Intent data) {
if (response != Activity.RESULT_OK) {
Log.d("mab", "*** invitation inbox UI cancelled, " + response);
Log.d("mab", "Invitation inbox UI succeeded.");
Invitation inv = data.getExtras().getParcelable(GamesClient.EXTRA_INVITATION);
// accept invitation
protected GamesClient getGamesClient() {
return mHelper.getGamesClient();
protected AppStateClient getAppStateClient() {
return mHelper.getAppStateClient();
protected PlusClient getPlusClient() {
return mHelper.getPlusClient();
protected boolean isSignedIn() {
return mHelper.isSignedIn();
protected void beginUserInitiatedSignIn() {
protected void signOut() {
protected void showAlert(String title, String message) {
mHelper.showAlert(title, message);
protected void showAlert(String message) {
protected void enableDebugLog(boolean enabled, String tag) {
mHelper.enableDebugLog(enabled, tag);
protected String getInvitationId() {
return mHelper.getInvitationId();
protected void reconnectClients(int whichClients) {
protected String getScopes() {
return mHelper.getScopes();
protected boolean hasSignInError() {
return mHelper.hasSignInError();
protected ConnectionResult getSignInError() {
return mHelper.getSignInError();
protected void setSignInMessages(String signingInMessage, String signingOutMessage) {
mSigningInMessage = signingInMessage;
mSigningOutMessage = signingOutMessage;
public void setRoomId(String rid) {
mRoomId = rid;
public String getRoomId() {
return mRoomId;
public void onRealTimeMessageReceived(RealTimeMessage rtm) {
// Called when we are connected to the room. We're not ready to play yet! (maybe not everybody is connected yet).
public void onConnectedToRoom(Room room) {
Log.d("mab", "onConnectedToRoom.");
// get room ID, participants and my ID:
mRoomId = room.getRoomId();
mParticipants = room.getParticipants();
mMyId = room.getParticipantId(getGamesClient().getCurrentPlayerId());
// print out the list of participants (for debug purposes)
Log.d("mab", "Room ID: " + mRoomId);
Log.d("mab", "My ID " + mMyId);
Log.d("mab", "<< CONNECTED TO ROOM>>");
Log.d("mab", " Number of Joined Participants: " + getNumJoinedParticipants());
// Called when we get disconnected from the room. We return to the main screen.
public void onDisconnectedFromRoom(Room room) {
mIsMultiplayer = false;
mRoomId = null;
showGameError("Disconnected from room");
public void onJoinedRoom(int statusCode, Room room) {
Log.d("mab", "onJoinedRoom(" + statusCode + ")");
if (room != null) { Log.d("mab", " roomId: " + room.getRoomId()); }
if (statusCode != GamesClient.STATUS_OK) {
mIsMultiplayer = false;
Log.e("mab", "*** Error: onJoinedRoom, status " + statusCode);
showGameError("Joined room unsuccessfully: " + statusCode);
mRoomId = room.getRoomId();
// show the waiting room UI
// Called when we've successfully left the room (this happens a result of voluntarily leaving
// via a call to leaveRoom(). If we get disconnected, we get onDisconnectedFromRoom()).
public void onLeftRoom(int statusCode, String roomId) {
// we have left the room; return to main screen.
Log.d("mab", "onLeftRoom, code " + statusCode);
mRoomId = null; //????? right?
// Called when room is fully connected.
public void onRoomConnected(int statusCode, Room room) {
Log.d("mab", "onRoomConnected(" + statusCode + ")");
if (room != null) { Log.d("mab", " roomId: " + room.getRoomId()); }
if (statusCode != GamesClient.STATUS_OK) {
mIsMultiplayer = false;
Log.d("mab", "*** Error: onRoomConnected, status " + statusCode);
showGameError("Roon connected unsuccessfully: " + statusCode);
mRoomId = room.getRoomId();
mParticipants = room.getParticipants(); // not sure if we need this here again, but shouldn't hurt (or maybe we want this ONLY here)
mIsMultiplayer = true;
// Set 1st player to take a turn
mCurrentlyPlayingIdx = 0;
// Start Game!
// Called when room has been created
public void onRoomCreated(int statusCode, Room room) {
Log.d("mab", "onRoomCreated(" + statusCode + ")");
if (room != null) { Log.d("mab", " roomId: " + room.getRoomId()); }
if (statusCode != GamesClient.STATUS_OK) {
mIsMultiplayer = false;
Log.e("mab", "*** Error: onRoomCreated, status " + statusCode);
showGameError("Room not created successfully: " + statusCode);
mRoomId = room.getRoomId();
// show the waiting room UI
// Called when we get an invitation to play a game. We react by showing that to the user.
public void onInvitationReceived(Invitation invitation) {
Log.d("mab", "ghFrag.onInvitationReceived()");
public void onSignInFailed() {
public void onSignInSucceeded() {
// install invitation listener so we get notified if we receive an invitation to play a game.
if (getInvitationId() != null) {
// Accept the given invitation.
void acceptInviteToRoom(String invId) {
// accept the invitation
Log.d("mab", "Accepting invitation: " + invId);
RoomConfig.Builder roomConfigBuilder = RoomConfig.builder(this);
// Sets the flag to keep this screen on. It's recommended to do that during the handshake when setting up a game, because if the screen turns off, the game will be cancelled.
void keepScreenOn() {
// Clears the flag that keeps the screen on.
void stopKeepingScreenOn() {
public void inviteFriends() {
// show list of invitable players
Intent intent = getGamesClient().getSelectPlayersIntent(1, 3);
startActivityForResult(intent, RC_SELECT_PLAYERS);
// Leave the room.
void leaveRoom() {
Log.d("mab", "Leaving room.");
mIsMultiplayer = false;
if (mRoomId != null) {
getGamesClient().leaveRoom(this, mRoomId);
mRoomId = null;
} else {
// Show the waiting room UI to track the progress of other players as they enter the
// room and get connected.
void showWaitingRoom(Room room) {
Log.d("mab", "GHFrag.showWaitingRoom()");
mWaitRoomDismissedFromCode = false;
int minPlayers = MAX_NUM_PLAYERS; // This just means the "Start" menu item will never be enabled (waiting room will exit automatically once everyone has made a decision)
Intent i = getGamesClient().getRealTimeWaitingRoomIntent(room, minPlayers);
// show waiting room UI
getActivity().startActivityForResult(i, RC_WAITING_ROOM);
// Forcibly dismiss the waiting room UI (this is useful, for example, if we realize the
// game needs to start because someone else is starting to play).
void dismissWaitingRoom() {
mWaitRoomDismissedFromCode = true;
getActivity().finishActivity(RC_WAITING_ROOM); //getActivity() ?????
// Show error message about game being cancelled and return to main screen.
void showGameError(String msg) {
showAlert("Error", "Game Error: " + msg);
private void showMainMenu() {
private void showWaitScreen() {
public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity implements MainMenuFragment.Listener, PlayFragment.Listener, GameHelperFragmentListener, AlertDialogFragmentListener {
public static final String MAIN_MENU_FRAGMENT = "MainMenuFragment";
public static final String PLAY_FRAGMENT = "PlayFragment";
public static final String WAIT_FRAGMENT = "WaitFragment";
// Fragments
MainMenuFragment mMainMenuFragment;
PlayFragment mPlayFragment;
WaitFragment mWaitFragment;
GameHelperFragment gameHelperFragment = null;
String mIncomingInvitationId = null;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Log.d("mab", "MainActivity.onCreate()");
// Add Headless Fragment (if not already retained)
gameHelperFragment = (GameHelperFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag("GameHelperFragment");
if (gameHelperFragment == null) {
Log.d("mab", this + ": Existing fragment not found.!!!");
gameHelperFragment = new GameHelperFragment();
gameHelperFragment.setSignInMessages("Signing in with Google", "Signing out");
getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().add(gameHelperFragment, "GameHelperFragment").commit();
} else {
Log.d("mab", this + ": Existing fragment found.!!!");
public void onSignInFailed() {
Log.d("mab", "MainActivity.onSignInFailed()");
if (mMainMenuFragment != null) {
public void onSignInSucceeded() {
Log.d("mab", "MainActivity.onSignInSuccedded()");
if (mMainMenuFragment != null) {
public void onSignInButtonClicked() {
Log.d("mab", "MainActivity.onSignInButtonClicked()");
// start the sign-in flow
public void onSignOutButtonClicked() {
Log.d("mab", "MainActivity.onSignOutButtonClicked()");
if (mMainMenuFragment != null) {
public void onInvitationReceived(Invitation invitation) {
mIncomingInvitationId = invitation.getInvitationId();
// show accept/decline dialog box here.
String dispName = invitation.getInviter().getDisplayName();
DialogFragment alertInvitationReceived = AlertDialogFragment.newInstance("Invitation Received", dispName +
" is inviting you to play Yahtzee Blast.", "Accept", "Decline", null);
alertInvitationReceived.show(getSupportFragmentManager(), DLG_INVITATION_RECVD);
protected void onPause() {
Log.d("mab", "MainActivity.onPause()");
protected void onStop() {
Log.d("mab", "MainActivity.onStop()");
protected void onStart() {
Log.d("mab", "MainActivity.onStart()");
protected void onResume() {
Log.d("mab", "MainActivity.onResume()");
protected void onDestroy() {
Log.d("mab", "MainActivity.onDestroy()");
mHelper = null;
protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
outState.putString("mIncomingInvitationId", mIncomingInvitationId); // ? need this ?
public void onInviteFriendsClicked() {
Log.d("mab", "MainActivity.onInviteFriendsClicked()");
public void onSeeAllInvitationsClicked() {
Log.d("mab", "MainActivity.onSeeAllInvitationsClicked()");
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int responseCode, Intent intent) {
Log.d("mab", this + ": onActivityResult(requestCode: " + requestCode + ", responseCode: " + responseCode + ")");
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, responseCode, intent);
// Call GameHelper's onActivityResult in case this result pertains to it
gameHelperFragment.onActivityResult(requestCode, responseCode, intent);
public void onAlertDialogFragmentPositiveClicked(String tag) {
Log.d("mab", "MainActivity.onAlertDialogFragmentPositiveClicked(" + tag + ")");
// Called when we receive a real-time message from the network.
public void handleRealTimeMessage(RealTimeMessage rtm) {
Log.d(TAG, "MainActivity.onRealTimeMessageReceived()");
// Handle it here...
// Headless Fragment Functions
private void setSignInMessages(String signingInMessage, String signingOutMessage) {
gameHelperFragment.setSignInMessages(signingInMessage, signingOutMessage);
private GamesClient getGamesClient() {
return gameHelperFragment.getGamesClient();
private String getInvitationId() {
return gameHelperFragment.getInvitationId();
private void beginUserInitiatedSignIn() {
private void signOut() {
private void showAlert(String message) {
private void showAlert(String title, String message) {
gameHelperFragment.showAlert(title, message);
public GameHelperFragment getGameHelperFragment() {
return gameHelperFragment;
public void showMainMenu() {
switchToFragment(MAIN_MENU_FRAGMENT, false);
public void showWaitScreen() {
switchToFragment(WAIT_FRAGMENT, false);
public void participantLeftAtIdx(int idx) {
// Handle here, if there's anything you need to do.