In Pascal Lazarus/Delphi, we have a function QuotedStr() that wraps any string within single quotes.
Here's an example of my current C++ code:
//I need to quote tblCustomers
pqxx::result r = txn.exec( "Select * from \"tblCustomers\" ");
Another one:
//I need to quote cCustomerName
std::cout << "Name: " << r[a]["\"cCustomerName\""];
Similar to the above, I have to frequently double-quote strings. Typing this in is kind of slowing me down. Is there a standard function I can use for this?
BTW, I develop using Ubuntu/Windows with Code::Blocks. The technique used must be compatible across both platforms. If there's no function, this means that I must write one.
String str = "tblCustomers";
str = "'" + str + "'";
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