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Bing maps pushpins in REST

I am using bing maps REST services and I need to add pushpins but surprisingly it's giving me a hard time. I found out how to easily add pushpins in AJAX services, but that would need me to include scripts and stuff to my pages which I'd really rather skip. I tried searching the internet for information on how to add pushpins in REST ( or simply an iframe with a URL ) but I failed to find any useful such. Does anyone know how I can add pushpins in REST?

EDIT: I'm using dynamic maps based on this link


  • Assuming that you are using the Bing Maps Imagery REST service, you will be able to add pushpin based on the URL parameters, see the MSDN:

    Here is an sample request that will allow you to add pushpins, take a look at the pp parameter:,-122.35384/15?mapSize=500,500&pp=47.620495,-122.34931;21;AA&pp=47.619385,-122.351485;;AB&pp=47.616295,-122.3556;22&key=BingMapsKey

    If you are using embedded maps, here is the list of parameters: