I am using Enunciate to generate REST API docs in a maven project.
The artifact maven-enunciate-plugin
generates Web API docs but it ignores Spring annotations like: @Secured
(from spring-security)
I tried generating docs with maven artifact that has spring support maven-enunciate-spring-plugin
, but it does not even generate Web API docs.
Is there a way to configure enunciate or use another enunciate maven plugin so that annotations from Spring are recognized and mentioned in the documentation generated by Enunciate?
Nevermind, I managed to solve this problem by "applying a custom skin to Enunctiate's documentation" (http://docs.codehaus.org/display/ENUNCIATE/Applying+a+Custom+Skin+to+Enunciate%27s+Documentation)
I modified docs.xml.fmt
as well as docs.fmt
of enunciate-docs
, so that '@Secured' annotation is recognized.
Unfortunately, for docs.xml.fmt
, there is no clean way to customize as we have for docs.fmt
. So, I had to package myself with these modified files.
I referred to how @Deprecated (java.lang.Deprecated) was processed and followed the similar method.
In docs.fmt
file, add this block just below similar function block of isDeprecated
[#function isSecured element]
[#return (getTagValues(element, "secured")?size > 0)/]
Just below this block:
[#if isDeprecated(resource)]
<p class="alert">This resource has been deprecated.</p>
add another if block
[#if isSecured(resource)]
<p class="note">This resource is available only to these roles:
[#assign securedTags = getTagValues(resource, "secured") /]
[#if securedTags?size > 0]
[#list resource.parent.annotations as tag]
Now, in docs.xml.fmt
file, just below:
[#if resource.parent.annotations["java.lang.Deprecated"]??]
<tag name="deprecated"/>
Add following block
[#if resource.parent.annotations["org.springframework.security.access.annotation.Secured"]??]
<tag name="secured">
[#list resource.parent.annotations["org.springframework.security.access.annotation.Secured"]["value"] as roles]