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WSSE Security Headers with Digest (SOAP) in Android using ksoap2

In Android programming, I am trying to generate the following soap Header (WSSE Security with Password Digest Header) using ksoap2.

    <wsse:Security soap:mustUnderstand="1">  
         <wsse:Password Type="">DbIekaN2kkkEHsC2dHVrWYj0Lj0=</wsse:Password>

My code for generating the above header is

    Element headers[] = new Element[1];
    headers[0]= new Element().createElement("", "Security");
    headers[0].setAttribute(null, "soap:mustUnderstand", "1");

    Element to = new Element().createElement("", "UsernameToken");

    Element action1 = new Element().createElement(null, "n0:Username");
    action1.addChild(Node.TEXT, "user");

    Element action2 = new Element().createElement(null, "n0:Password");
    action2.setAttribute(null, "Type", "");
    action2.addChild(Node.TEXT, "DbIekaN2kkkEHsC2dHVrWYj0Lj0=");

    Element action3 = new Element().createElement(null, "n0:Nonce");
    action3.addChild(Node.TEXT, "KCkqLywtiK8wMTIzND9N2e==");

    Element action4 = new Element().createElement(null, "wsu:Created");
    action4.addChild(Node.TEXT, "2013-06-18T13:18:11Z");

    headers[0].addChild(Node.ELEMENT, to);

    soapEnvelope.headerOut = headers[0];
    // soapEnvelop is created using the following code
    // SoapSerializationEnvelope soapEnvelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(SoapEnvelope.VER11);

However, the above code gives HTTP 400 (Bad Request).

Can any one help me please?


  • Did you try having a look at the requestdump by making httpTransport.debug = true

    I think wsu is not related to the proper namespace. Instead of writing this, Element action4 = new Element().createElement(null, "wsu:Created");

    please try Element action4 = new Element().createElement("", "Created");