I have a data structure, and I need to graph the dyads by the variables in one column and the variables in another. For example, say I have a survey and one column is about how students feel about a class with "strongly agree", "agree", "neutral", "disagree", and "strongly disagree" as options. On another column I have the grade levels of those who took the survey. How would I sort out and graph this data so that I can have show how many people in one grade said "strongly agree", how many in one grade said "agree", etc. for all the grades?
Example data:
feelops <- c("strongly agree", "agree", "neutral", "disagree", "strongly disagree")
feelops <- ordered(feelops,levels=feelops)
dat <- data.frame(feel=sample(feelops,100,replace=TRUE) , grade=sample(LETTERS[1:5],100,replace=TRUE))
> head(dat)
feel grade
1 agree C
2 disagree B
3 neutral C
4 strongly disagree E
5 strongly disagree C
6 strongly agree E
Using a barplot
and the example data, something like this might work:
ylab="% Feeling Within Grade Group",
You can play around with the options a bit, but this will give something like: