In my app I want to use a theme which is defined in the framework-res.apk
. I decompiled an other which uses this theme and I found this in the styles.xml
<style name="DefaultSettingsTheme" parent="@com.sonyericsson.uxp:style/SEMCTheme">
<item name="android:directionality">leftToRight</item>
If I try to use this in my app it comes to an error because eclipse does not know that this theme is aviable in an other apk. How can I use this theme without rebuilding it?
I haven't tested this, but hope it works:
public class MyActivity extends Activity {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
String packageName = ""; // package name of the app of which you want to access the resources;
String resourceName = ""; // name of the resource you want to access
int theme = 0;
theme = getResources().getIdentifier(resourceName, "style", packageName);
if (theme != 0) {