I'm new to iOS/Android development so I would like to know what is the usual practice of developing an app for different platforms - is the whole code rewritten or the possibilities are used to choose some language, C or C++ for example, and keep most of the work in this language and then cover it with system specific stuff in corresponding language? I know about Android NDK and having C/C++ code in your iOS app, but the question is - is this usually used in practice - maybe later some other platforms might be added? The classical example would be the Angry Birds, of course, which I have even on my "smart" TV. Would be good to hear guys experienced in this area since I might be in the middle of making a decision. Thanks!
You might try Qt framework as it's native to Symbian, officially ported to Android, and unofficially ported to iOS and Blackberry. It's a C++ IDE at http://qt.nokia.com
Better yet, if you're into that kinda thing, try PhoneGap here: http://phonegap.com/ This will allow you to write your "app" code in HTML.... yes, HTML, and port it to just about anything. Things that are normally OS-dependent are basically wrapped in PhoneGap's API including hardware: http://phonegap.com/about/feature/