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GWT compiling error at constructor

I have little knowledge how GWT works, so can anybody help me here? This is the full log when I use Eclipse to compile my Playn html project:

The same error appears when I try to run the html version with Maven in Eclipse or command line. Any feedback is appreciated.


  • GWT is compiling your Java-Code to JavaScript and emulating the Classes and Methods you are using from the JRE. But GWT is not supporting all Classes and Methods of the JRE.

    You can find a List of Supported Classes and Methods on

    In your case java.util.Vectoris supported but not the methods add(float, float) and set(float, float). So you should look for an alternative.

    Note: The use of java.util.Vector is not recommended - regardless of working with GWT or not.

    Update: Can't remeber that there ever was a method add(float, float) in java.util.Vector. Do you use that class or do you have an own util.Vector-Implementation? If so you should check if your gwt.xml-file is including the source-path. Already explained here.