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wait till TextToSpeech onInit() has been initialized

I am developing a simple app which will speak the contact name or an unknown number when call is received. I am implementing the app using broadcastReceiver and Services. If i run the app on emulator and start the call using DDMS, with 2 or 3 contacts saved, the app works fine since onInit() is called before tts.speak() runs.

Now when i try to run the same app on my android phone, onInit is called after the tts.speak(). From what i have understood while searching for an answer to this question, this happens due to tts.speak() not waiting for onInit to called.

One solution i found on this question was on How to wait for TextToSpeech initialization on Android but that didn't work either.

This question has been asked a lot of times but i couldn't find a working solution. This link suggested to use handler but being a newbie i have no idea as to how to implement that.

From what i understood i have to wait till onInit is called before i can use tts.speak() but i don't know how to do it.

Update I was trying to call speak function outside the onInit since the data which was to be spoken was coming from elsewhere and i didn't want to do all the coding in onInit,this was not working. So i changed my code and finally somehow managed to run that speak() inside onInit(). Although the code is now running but there must be a way to call speak() outside onInit. So i will wait for a better answer else post my code for others facing same problem.


  • You either set a class member flag boolean mTtsInitialized and check this flag everytime you call speak or put the code to get the data to be spoken in onInit