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plotting cummulative BarChart in BIRT report

I will fetch data from ClearQuest. I want to plot 'number of issues' against 'Submit Date' over a period of time.

I need cumulative count of issues in y axis against 'Submit date' in x Axis. I want to display different types issues as group against x axis.


We have below table: There are 3 types of issues (Type1, Type2, Type3), cumulative count of these 3 types need to be plotted over a period time(Jan, Feb, Mar).

                  Jan   Feb CumCountFeb  Mar   CumCountMar

   Issue Type1     2    1   2+1 =3       4       3+4 =7    
   Issue Type2     3    2   3+2 = 5      1       5+1 = 6           
   Issue Type3     4    4   4+4=8        2       8+2=10

So i need cumulative chart for above data in BIRT(Not able to attach image).

i.e I want to display values from columns "Jan", "CumCountfeb", "CumCountMar" in Y axis. And SubmitDate in x axis.

"Issue Type1", "Issue Type2", "Issue Type3" will appear in groups for each month(Jan, feb, Mar).

As per my knowledge Cumulative count functionality is not available with BIRT chart package. I am not able to think about creating cumulative column for y axis.

Can any one please help on this.

Thank you!


  • We can do this by using the function "Year to date" from a "Relative time period" birt element:

    1. Create a datacube with 2 groups: "Type" and "SubmitDate" and a measure:"issuesCount". In the "SubmiDate" group, keep only "Month" level and select the output format as you like.
    2. Drag & drop this datacube to the report, in order to create a crosstab
    3. Remove the measure "issuesCount" from the crosstab, and drag & drop instead a "Relative time period" from the palette
    4. Set up this relative time period as a "Year to date" based on the measure "issuesCount". See the screenshot attached
    5. Preview the crosstab to check if your "Year to date" is correctly computed
    6. Right click your crosstab -> Create chart view, and setup the chart as you like!

    "Year To Date" setup in BIRT

    And a sample: enter image description here