I'm working with Xen 4.0 on a debian Lenny (5.0) . I wanted to clone a VM , but it seems that i didn't do it well . What i did is the following :
Creating the config file of the new VM and setting it up.
#cd /etc/xen/vms/
#cp original.foo.com.cfg copy.foo.com.cfg
Copying virtual disks
#cd /dev/mapper/
#cp -rv vg--xen-original.foo.com--disk vg--xen-copy.foo.com--disk
#cp -rv vg--xen-original.foo.com--swap vg--xen-copy.foo.com--swap
#chmod g+w vg--xen-copy.foo.com--*
#chown root:disk vg--xen-copy.foo.com--*
#cd /dev/vg-xen/
#ln -s ../mapper/vg--xen-copy.foo.com--disk copy.foo.com-disk
#ln -s ../mapper/vg--xen-copy.foo.com--disk copy.foo.com-disk
Everything is set up, let's create the VM
#xm create /ect/xen/vms/copy.foo.com.cfg
#Using config file "./copy.foo.com.cfg".
#Error: Device 51714 (vbd) could not be connected.
#Device /dev/mapper/vg--copy.foo.com--disk is mounted in a guest domain,
#and so cannot be mounted now.
Could you please help me sort out that issue ?
All i wanted was to duplicate original.foo.com
I found the solution.
#lvcreate -L size -n VM_NAME-disk xen-data
#lvcreate -L size -n VM_NAME-swap xen-data
Then a byte by byte copy
#dd if=/dev/mapper/vg-xen-original.foo.com--disk of=/dev/mapper-vg-xen-copy.foo.com--disk
#dd if=/dev/mapper/vg-xen-original.foo.com--swap of=/dev/mapper-vg-xen-copy.foo.com--swap
Et Voià !!!