My use case is as follows: I have to store and query data from multiple third-party sources. The only predefined schema knowledge I have is that it consists of Entity-Attribute-Value tuples with an additional Source component: (E, A, V, S)
. I do not know in advance which attributes will be present (so using the actual attributes themselves as columns is a problematic). The combination (E,A,V)
must be unique, and I therefore thought using that as the composite key would be the best way to model this, so we get this:
E text,
A text,
V text,
S text,
This will enable me to ask queries like:
The plan is to create mirrors of this table with differently ordered compound keys so that I can also answer queries of the form:
and so on and so forth (effectively, the mirror tables play the role of indexes, and to get full indexing I will need 6 copies of effectively the same data - not sure about the scalability of that approach yet, but that's a separate question I guess).
So far so good, however, the part I'm struggling with is this: V
is in fact an object in its own right, with multiple properties. If this were a relational model, I would have V
be a foreign key field pointing to a relation that maps its id
to, for example, a type
field and a value
field. But getting rid of foreign keys (and the joins that go with them) is more or less the point of the BigTable approach I guess, so I'm looking for a way to incorporate this into my table t1
Of course, I could do something like this:
E text,
A text,
V_id text,
S text,
V_type text,
V_value text,
But the problem I see is that this fails to capture the (inverse-)functional relation between V
's id, type and value: with the above table, I could get, for example:
E | A | V_id | V_type | V_value
a1 | b1 | 1 | X | foo
a1 | b1 | 2 | X | foo
a1 | b2 | 1 | Y | bar
While I want to be able to ensure that given a V_id
, type and value are unique, and vice versa. I guess what I'm after is what in the older Cassandra versions would be a nested super column, but I'm trying to achieve what I need with CQL3.
I briefly looked into collection types, but that doesn't quite seem to fit my use case.
Can anyone suggest a better way to model this, keeping in mind that ideally, I'd like to be able to retrieve (E, A, V)
and in as few queries as possible? Or am I just overthinking it and is the approach as I currently have it in fact fine (I can of course try and ensure uniqueness at the application level)?
Jeen, consider using map for V. See Map, list, set types were introduced to avoid situations like encoding/decoding key-value pairs into and from string/byte arrays.