I am working Sublime Text 2 for PHP web development on a windows workstation where I use Sublime Text 2. Files are synchronised with a linux remote server thanks to a samba share. I am encountering a problem with the "Find in Folder" functionality which doesn't work with my project that is synchronized with the samba share.
I proceed as follow : File > open Folder > enter \myserver\sambashare\www
Sublime Text opens the folder without problem and I can edit my files and synchronize them with the server.
I then try to perform a search on the folder : right click > Find in Folder > type the search string Sublime text returns no results (whereas it should have thousand results).
How can I fix this ? Does anybody encounter this problem when working with samba? The search works with local folders.
I finally find the problem. This does not come from Sublime Text. The search works but is very very slow. This is due to samba share performances, when I search in a large folder a string. the samba process consume a lot CPU and distant server performances decrease.
I will try a another way of synchronising files between linux and windows.