I have a wokflow configured with "To Source Push Down Optimization". If I take a look to the Push Down optimization option (I edit the workflow task, Mapping tab, and select Pushdonw Optimization), I find that there are two push down groups, that's ok, it is what I expected.
Then I start the workflow, check the log and I see that PWC is not throwing this two querys to the database, instead five different querys are thrown to the database (not one per source, it is like a different push down grouping).
I 've checked the two querys that are suppossed to be launched to the database and they are correct.
Any ideas of what Am I doing wrong?
PD: I am using Teradata with PWC 9.1
Thanks in advance.
I've just found the way to know why Push Down Optimization is not working. In order to see why PDO stops, you have to take a look at the workflow log not the task log. I've found that a to_char(var) where var is a decimal port cannot be pushed to a Teradata database