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How to download a file from SkyDrive into IsolatedStorage?

I am writing a WP8 (XAML & C#) application to read a text file from SkyDrive and save it into the IsolatedStorage.

It seems that the file is read, but the data I get is the description of the file rather than the content of the file.

The file name in SkyDrive is: "myFile1.txt"
The content of the file is: "this is a test file 1"

my code is below:

private async void btnDownload_Click( object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e )
    string fileID = "file.17ff6330f5f26b89.17FF6330F5F26B89!1644";
    string filename = "myDownloadFile1.txt";
    var liveClient = new LiveConnectClient( LiveHelper.Session );

    // Download the file
    liveClient.BackgroundDownloadAsync( fileID, new Uri( "/shared/transfers/" + filename, UriKind.Relative ) );  

    // Read the file
    var FileData = await LoadDataFile< string >( filename );
    Debug.WriteLine( "FileData: " + (string)FileData );

public async Task<string> LoadDataFile<T>( string fileName )
    // Get a reference to the Local Folder
    string root = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.Path;
    var storageFolder = await StorageFolder.GetFolderFromPathAsync( root + @"\shared\transfers" ); 

    bool IsFileExist = await StorageHelper.FileExistsAsync( fileName, storageFolder );
    if ( IsFileExist == true )
        StorageFile storageFile = await storageFolder.GetFileAsync( fileName );
        if ( storageFile != null )
            // Open it and read the contents
            Stream readStream = await storageFile.OpenStreamForReadAsync();
            using ( StreamReader reader = new StreamReader( readStream ) )
                string _String = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();
                return _String;
            return string.Empty;
    return string.Empty;

The data I am getting running this code is:

   "id": "file.17ff6330f5f26b89.17FF6330F5F26B89!1644", 
   "from": {
      "name": "Eitan Barazani", 
      "id": "17ff6330f5f26b89"
   "name": "myFile1.txt", 
   "description": "", 
   "parent_id": "folder.17ff6330f5f26b89.17FF6330F5F26B89!1643", 
   "size": 23, 
   "upload_location": "!1644/content/", 
   "comments_count": 0, 
   "comments_enabled": false, 
   "is_embeddable": true, 
   "source": "", 
   "link": "!1644&parid=17FF6330F5F26B89!1643", 
   "type": "file", 
   "shared_with": {
      "access": "Just me"
   "created_time": "2013-07-15T16:29:10+0000", 
   "updated_time": "2013-07-15T16:29:10+0000"

I am not sure why I am not getting the data inside the file. Any idea what am I doing wrong?



  • I think you need:

    liveClient.BackgroundDownloadAsync( fileID+"/content", new Uri( "/shared/transfers/" + filename, UriKind.Relative ) );

    i.e. after the fileID string, you needed to add "/content" in order to get the file content, rather than the metadata.