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Loading a file and returning its environment

I'm attempting to do the following : (include() code below)


A = 5


file1 = include(File1.lua)
A = 1

print(A) -- 1
print(file1.A) -- 5

i've found exactly what i'm looking for but in lua 5.1 here : Loadfile without polluting global environment

But i just can't get it to work in 5.2,

function include(scriptfile)
local env = setmetatable({}, {__index=_G})
assert(pcall(setfenv(assert(loadfile(scriptfile)), env)))
setmetatable(env, nil)
return env 

Using this from C++, with a registered version of loadfile, so i'm trying not to modify the function call.Is this possible? Whatever i try breaks or env is null.


  • File2.lua

    function include(scriptfile)
        local env = setmetatable({}, {__index=_G})
        assert(loadfile(scriptfile, 't', env))()
        return setmetatable(env, nil)
    file1 = include'File1.lua'
    A = 1
    print(A)       -- 1
    print(file1.A) -- 5