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Mmix NEG and NEGU opcodes

According to NEG and NEGU definitions,

NEG $X,Y,$Z (negate signed): s($X) := Y - s($Z).
NEGU $X,Y,$Z (negate unsigned): u($X) := (Y - u($Z)) mod 2^64.

Let's suppose $Z = s(-1) or u(2^64 - 1). Then the first opcode is going to put value 1 into the $X register when Y = 0, and the recent one will give the same result because u(-(2^64 - 1)) mod 2^64 = 1. Am i correct? Should NEG instruction raise overflow exception when $Z = -2^63?


  • Short answer to "Should NEG instruction raise overflow exception when $Z = -2^63?"

    yes, but you probably already suspected that.

    Logically, NEG $X,0,-2^63 should give 2^63, which is out of bounds for signed positive integers, and thus overflows. But if you're like me, you want proof that an integer overflow actually occurs. Here it is:

    t       IS      $255
        LOC     #20          //handle the integer overflow event
        PUSHJ   255,Err
        PUT     rJ,$255
        GET     $255,rB
            LOC     #100
    Main    SET     t,#4000
            PUT     rA,t        //set the integer overflow event bit
            SETH    $0,#8000
            NEG     $1,0,$0
            GETA    t,End
            TRAP    0,Fputs,StdOut
            TRAP    0,Halt,0
    End     BYTE    "End of program",#a,0
    Err     SET     $0,$255           //overflow subroutine, prints out message
            GETA    t,Emes
            TRAP    0,Fputs,StdOut
            GET     t,rW
            INCL    t,4
            PUT     rW,t
            SET     $255,$0
            POP     0,0
    Emes    BYTE    "Error: integer overflow",#a,0