I am trying to apply knuthBendix to large sets of rewriting rules. Thus, I try to let it work on different sets in parallel.
As en example, I try to run:
import Control.Parallel
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import Math.Algebra.Group.StringRewriting
knuthBendixOptimized rs = as' `par` bs' `pseq` as' ++ bs' where
(as, bs) = splitAt 3000 rs
as' = knuthBendix as
bs' = knuthBendix bs
I compile using ghc -threaded
and I execute via +RTS -N
. If I run other algorithms in parallel, it works. But for knuthBendix, it does not.
Does someone know a solution?
Thanks, Franz
I believe the problem is that you're calling as' `pseq`
. This evaluates as'
to WHNF, which means that it only determines whether the list is empty or not. But you want the lists to be fully evaluated:
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
forceList :: [a] -> [a]
forceList = withStrategy (evalList rseq)
-- or use rdeepseq to force the evaluation of everything
knuthBendixOptimized rs = forceList as'
`par` forceList bs'
`pseq` as' ++ bs'
(as, bs) = splitAt 3000 rs
as' = knuthBendix as
bs' = knuthBendix bs
Note that Haskell's usual term for this is parallelism. And concurrency is used for explicit work in IO
with threads and their communication. See the GHC manual.