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How to fix the Mojolicious-Boilerplate app?

Today I started to learn the Mojolicious framework. IMHO, the best way is "learn by examples", so study some "already done" application a play with it. Therefore I downloaded the Mojolicious-Boilerplate, what should be a demo of Mojolicious and Twitter bootstrap. Unfortunately it doesn't even start.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Mojo::Base -strict;

use File::Basename 'dirname';
use File::Spec;

push @INC, join('/', File::Spec->splitdir(dirname(__FILE__)), '..', 'lib');

# Check if Mojolicious is installed;
die <<EOF unless eval 'use Mojolicious::Commands; 1';
It looks like you don't have the Mojolicious framework installed.
Please visit for detailed installation instructions.


# Application
$ENV{MOJO_APP} ||= 'Boilerplate';

# Start commands

EDIT start & error:

$ morbo script/boilerplate 
Couldn't load application from file "script/boilerplate": Can't locate object method "start" via package "Mojolicious::Commands" at script/boilerplate line 20.

I found in the :

3.94 2013-04-08 - Removed deprecated start method from Mojolicious::Commands.


$ mojo version
  Perl        (v5.16.3, darwin)
  Mojolicious (4.18, Top Hat)

  EV 4.0+               (4.15)
  IO::Socket::IP 0.16+  (0.21)
  IO::Socket::SSL 1.75+ (1.952)

This version is up to date, have fun!
  • Can please anybody suggest me how to fix this starter app?
  • Or is here another "simple" app what shows some js,css,mojolicious "broilerplate"?


  • As you mentioned yourself, the start method was deprecated and is now removed. The replacement for it is start_app($name) as you can find here:

    The example you are playing with is simply not up-to-date. If you brought it running on your machine you could make a pull-request to the official Git-repository (as G. Cito mentioned). I'm sure they will be glad receiving this fix.