I have used GMGridView inside my app. When I change the orientation all is fine, but if I change it again and enter edit mode all the cells are shacking except the visible one in the lower-right corner. The GmGridView is added as a subview to a controller and it also doesn't occupy the whole screen. I've tried destroying it and recreating it when a rotation notification occurs ... same behaviour. Also I have made a custom view with multiple buttons and labels that I have set as the the GMGridViewCell's contentView.
here's the code for the cellForItemAtIndex
- (GMGridViewCell *)GMGridView:(GMGridView *)gridView cellForItemAtIndex:(NSInteger)index {
UIInterfaceOrientation orientation = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarOrientation];
GMGridViewCell *cell = [gmGridView dequeueReusableCell];
if (!cell) {
CGSize cellSize = [self GMGridView:gmGridView sizeForItemsInInterfaceOrientation:orientation];
cell = [[GMGridViewCell alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, cellSize.width, cellSize.height)];
cell.deleteButtonIcon = [UIImage imageNamed:@"delete_button"];
cell.deleteButtonOffset = CGPointMake(0, 0);
CustomGridViewCell *gridViewContent = [CustomGridViewCell getNewGridViewCellForOrientation:orientation];
ContentData *data = [wishlistContentArray objectAtIndex:index];
[gridViewContent setuprWithContent:data];
cell.contentView = gridViewContent;
if (!gridViewContent.delegate)
gridViewContent.delegate = self;
return cell;
There is a bug on GMGridView when it computes the number of visible cells.
In loadRequiredItems
there are these two lines of code
NSRange rangeOfPositions = [self.layoutStrategy rangeOfPositionsInBoundsFromOffset: self.contentOffset];
NSRange loadedPositionsRange = NSMakeRange(self.firstPositionLoaded, self.lastPositionLoaded - self.firstPositionLoaded);
You have to change the range so it will return the smallest number that is a multiple of the number of items on your cell.
For example if you have 2 cells on a row, right now the code will return a range of {0,5} but it should be {0,6}.