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Parallel ForEach wait 500 ms before spawning

I have this situation:

var tasks = new List<ITask> ...
Parallel.ForEach(tasks, currentTask => currentTask.Execute() );

Is it possible to instruct PLinq to wait for 500ms before the next thread is spawned?



  • You are using Parallel.Foreach totally wrong, You should make a special Enumerator that rate limits itself to getting data once every 500 ms.

    I made some assumptions on how your DTO works due to you not providing any details.

    private IEnumerator<SomeResource> GetRateLimitedResource()
        SomeResource someResource = null;
            someResource = _remoteProvider.GetData();
            if(someResource != null)
                 yield return someResource;
        } while (someResource != null);

    here is how your paralell should look then

    Parallel.ForEach(GetRateLimitedResource(), SomeFunctionToProcessSomeResource);