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PagerAdapter; add a LinearLayout class that adds a layout -> tiny width

I have an activity, called CollectionActivity, with a viewpager. The viewpager has it owns adapter, PagerAdapter: CollectionPagerAdapter extends PagerAdapter.

The important instantiateItem method:

public Object instantiateItem(View collection, int position) {
        LinearLayout lay = null;
            lay = new Report(context);
            ((ViewPager) collection).addView(lay);
//else for the other positions...

        return lay;

The constructor in the class Report (extends LinearLayout) looks like:

    public Report(Context context) {
    this.context = context;

    LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater)context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
    view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.activity_report, null);


    Button button = new Button(context);


The problem; the view I´m getting from R.layout.activity_report shows up with a really tiny width on the screen. The Button below it however, get the width it needs.

activity_report.xml has the width and height of fill parent, and starts with a horizontal layout filled with textboxes, buttons and other stuff. Activity_report.xml looks great on the preview in eclipse, and has looked fine when I used it to an activity before.

Why cant I use this.addView(view) to add my layout activity_report.xml and getting it on the whole screen? (not with a tiny width as it is now)


  • For some reason, everything worked when I had no images lying by themselves in my view xml file. I simply put each image in their own linear layout - and I could now see the whole layout on the whole screen.

    I have no idea why this was the issue. If you know, leave a comment!