I am using Python 3.2 and I have tried to build a randomly generated parse tree for a sentence.Though I am sure it generates the sentence, I am not sure how random the parse tree is and also, I do not know if there is a better/more efficient way to improve this code. (I am new to programming and Python as such and I have recently been interested in NLP. Any advice, solution or corrections are welcome.)
N=['man','dog','cat','telescope','park'] #noun
P=['in','on','by','with'] #preposition
det=['a','an','the','my'] #determinant
V=['saw','ate','walked'] #verb
NP=['John','Mary','Bob'] #noun phrase
from random import choice
PP=choice(NP)+' '+choice(P) #preposition phrase
VP=''.join(choice(V)+' '+choice(NP)) or''.join(choice(V)+' '.choice(NP)+(PP)) #verb phrase
VP=''.join(VP) #verb phrase
S=choice(NP)+' '+VP #sentence
try NLTK, http://nltk.org/book/ch08.html
import nltk
from random import choice, shuffle, random
# Sometimes i find reading terminals as values into a dict of POS helps.
vocab2string = [pos + " -> '" + "' | '".join(vocab[pos])+"'" for pos in vocab]
# Rules are simpler to be manually crafted so i left them in strings
rules = '''
S -> NP VP
VP -> V NP
PP -> NP P
NP -> Det N
mygrammar = rules + "\n".join(vocab2string)
grammar = nltk.parse_cfg(mygrammar) # Loaded your grammar
parser = nltk.ChartParser(grammar) # Loaded grammar into a parser
# Randomly select one terminal from each POS, based on infinite monkey theorem, i.e. selection of words without grammatical order, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infinite_monkey_theorem
words = [choice(vocab[pos]) for pos in vocab if pos != 'P'] # without PP
words = [choice(vocab[pos]) for pos in vocab] + choice(vocab('NP')) # with a PP you need 3 NPs
# To make sure that you always generate a grammatical sentence
trees = []
while trees != []:
trees = parser.nbest_parse(words)
for t in trees:
print t