I just realized that
Is not reporting leaks anymore. Id track down that the cause is any call to the IXAudio2 interface, a com interface of the dx sdk XAudio2.
If I remove the calls to the interface, it works again. Anyone have any idea of what might be going on? Is it just an enormous bug? I tested it with the sdk examples, to be sure Im not the one doing things I shouldnt, and still the same problem exist.
Im under windows 7 using the june 2010 DX SDK. This is pretty "THE" problem in my opinion..how can a library prevent this to work..I Tried setting the flag after the calls to the interface, but its no use.
Can anyone using XAudio2 report its own experience to compare please?
-edit- Found ppl with the same issue here:
Still no solution.. Found related info here:
In the end a MS person says they fixed on win8, but they arent talking about XAudio2 in the thread.
The problem is "solved" by loading the SetupApi.dll yourself in your code. Thus, its obviously a bug;
LoadLibrary("setupapi.dll");// solves the XAudio2 leaks problem