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Struct Type in Header File Error

I am trying to use a struct type in a header file and then initialize it in my main file but continue to get the error:

" no matching function for call to 'gradingStudent::gradingStudent()' "


#ifndef    HEADERFILE_H
#define    HEADERFILE_H

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

struct gradingStudent

   string studentName; //student's name

   int amtGradesHW;
   int amtGradesPro;
   int amtGradesExam; //number of homework programs

   float perTotHW;
   float perTotPro;
   float perTotExams; //percent the grade is worth

   float HWGradeRecieved;
   float ProGradeRecieved;
   float ExamGradeRecieved; //points recieved

   float TotalPercentage; //final grade recieved

   char X; //letter grade

   string wittyComment; //comment on grade

   int const MAX; 

int openFiles(ifstream&, ofstream&);


Programming Assignment.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include "HeaderFile.h"

using namespace std;

int main(){

ifstream inFile; //input file variable
ofstream outFile; //output file stream

gradingStudent grades; //intialize my struct 

//Test If files can be opened
if(!openFiles(inFile, outFile)){ 
cout << "...exiting " << endl;
                       }//end if

}//end main

* Input: ifstream and ofstream
* Return Type: int
* OpenFiles will ask the user for the files to be opened and check if they are able to          be opened
   * usage: openFiles(inFile, OutFile)

   int openFiles(ifstream& inD, ofstream& outD){

string inFileName, outFileName;  

cout << "Please enter the name of the file to be read: " << endl;
cin >> inFileName;
cout << "    " << endl;; //open this file
if (!inD)
       cout << "ERROR. THE INPUT FILE: " << inFileName << " WAS UNABLE TO BE      OPENED!"     << endl ; 
       cout << "      " << endl;     

       return 0;
            }//end input  if fail state

    cout << "Please enter the name of the file to be written: " << endl;
    cin >> outFileName;
    cout << "    " << endl;                ; //open this file

        if (!outD)
       cout << "ERROR. THE OUTPUT FILE: " << outFileName <<  " WAS UNABLE TO BE         OPENED!" << endl ; 
       cout << "      " << endl;     

       return 0;
            }//end output if fail state     

}//end open file

Any Help Would Be appreciated


  • You have a const (and non-static) member variable (MAX), which needs to be explicitly initialized. Therefore you must explicitly define a constructor for your class.