My problem is I have n fields (say around 10) in Solr that are searchable, they all are indexed and stored. I would like to run a query first on my whole index of say 5000 docs which will hit around an average of 500 docs. Next I would like to query using a different set of keywords on these 500 docs and NOT on the whole index.
So the first time I send a query a score will be generated, the second time I run a query the new score generated should be based on the 500 documents of the previous query, or in other words Solr should consider only these 500 docs as the whole index.
To summarise this, Index of 5000 will be filtered to 500 and then 50 (5000>500>50). Its basically filtering but I would like to do this in Solr.
I have reasonable basic knowledge and still learning.
Update: If represented mathematically it would look like this:
results2=f(query2, results1)
final_results=f(query3, results2)
I would like this to be accomplish using a program and end-user will only see 50 results. So faceting is not an option.
Filter queries (fq) are specifically designed to do quick restriction of the result set by not doing any score calculation.
So, if you put your first query into fq parameter and your second score-generating query in the normal 'q' parameter, it should do what you ask for.
See also a question discussing this issue from the opposite direction.