How can I manage to periodically read the output of a script while it is running?
In the case of youtube-dl, it sends download information (progress/speed/eta) about the video being downloaded to the terminal.
With the following code I am able to capture the total result of the scripts output (on linux) to a temporary file:
tmpFile ="/tmp/My_Temp.tmp", "w+")
f = io.popen("youtube-dl", 'r')
Instead of waiting for the script to complete and writing all the data at the end, I would like able to capture "snapshots" of the latest information that youtube-dl has sent to the terminal.
My overall goal is to capture the download information in order to design a progress bar using Iup.
If there are more intelligent ways of capturing download information I will be happy to take advice as well.
Regardless, if it is possible to use io.popen(), os.execute(), or other tools in such a way I would still like to know how to capture the real time console output.
This works fine both on Windows and Linux. Lines are displayed in real-time.
local pipe = io.popen'ping'
for line in pipe:lines() do
If previous code didn't work try the following (as dualed suggested):
local pipe = io.popen'youtube-dl with parameters'
local c = pipe:read(1)
if c then
-- Do something with the char received
io.write(c) io.flush()
until not c