Okay, this one is pretty hard to google.
Occasionally, I stumble upon code in any language that uses a naming convention where variable names start with the prefix 'the' under certain circumstances.
I could not figure out, however, what these circumstances are. So my questions are:
Is this convention common? Does it have a name?
If 1) is still "ungoogleable": What are the principles behind this convention? What problems does it address? I would like to understand.
If not covered by 1) and 2): Where does the convention come from? What are its origins? Is or was it connected to a specific programming language?
From the Steinberg ASIO SDK 2.3, file asiodrivers.cpp, line 88:
extern IASIO* theAsioDriver;
where IASIO is an interface definition.
I am hoping for some insight into why people do this. One example might be to tell parameters from members in setter/getter methods, but this choice of prefix seems random to me.
The only time I would be tempted to start a variable name with the would be to indicate that it is a singleton. Other than that its use seems unnecessary.