Getting weather data from openweathermap fails. Here is my code:
$xml = new
$country = $xml->code->country;
$city = $xml->code->city;
echo "Country: $country<br/>City: $city";
When I echo I don't get anything at all. Help is appreciated!
The proper path to the country and city values are as follows:
$country = $xml->city->country;
$city = $xml->city['name'];
You may also need to remove the spaces in your URL, so the complete code would look like:
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement(file_get_contents(''));
$country = $xml->city->country;
$city = $xml->city['name'];
echo "Country: $country<br/>City: $city";
You may want to have a quick look over basic SimpleXML usage.