I have proceeded to state when I need to turn IEEE-754 single and double precision numbers into strings with base 10
. There is FXTRACT
instruction available, but it provides only exponent and mantissa for base 2, as the number calculation formula is:
value = (-1)^sign * 1.(mantissa) * 2^(exponent-bias)
If I had some logarithmic instructions for specific bases, I would be able to change base of 2exponent - bias part in expression, but currently I don't know what to do. I was also thinking of using standard rounded conversion into integer, but it seems to be unusable as it doesn't offer precise conversion. Does anybody know what is the way/basic principe for doing it? Please help.
I finally found another solution (it's in Java)
/* handling -infinity, +infinity and NaN, returns "" if 'f' isn't one of mentioned */
String ret = "";
if ((ret = getSpecialFloats(f)).length() != 0)
return ret;
int num = Float.toRawIntBits(f);
int exponent = (int)(((num >> 23) & 0xFF)-127); //8bits, bias 127
int mantissa = num & 0x7FFFFF; //23bits
/* stores decimal exponent */
int decimalExponent = 0;
/* temporary value used for calculations */
int sideMultiplicator = 1;
for (; exponent > 0; exponent--) {
/* In this loop I'm calculating the value of exponent. MAX(unsigned int) = 2^32-1, while exponent can be 2^127 pr st like that */
sideMultiplicator *= 2;
/* because of this, if top two bits of sideMultiplicator are set, we're getting closer to overflow and we need to save some value into decimalExponent*/
if ((sideMultiplicator >> 30) != 0) {
decimalExponent += 3;
sideMultiplicator /= 1000;
for(; exponent < 0; exponent++) {
/* this loop does exactly same thing as the loop before, but vice versa (for exponent < 0, like 2^-3 and so on) */
if ((sideMultiplicator & 1) != 0) {
sideMultiplicator *= 10;
sideMultiplicator /= 2;
/* we know that value of float is:
* 1.mantissa * 2^exponent * (-1)^sign */
/* that's why we need to store 1 in betweenResult (another temorary value) */
int betweenResult = sideMultiplicator;
for (int fraction = 2, bit = 0; bit < 23; bit++, fraction *= 2) {
/* this loop is the most important one: it turns binary mantissa to real value by dividing what we got in exponent */
if (((mantissa >> (22-bit)) & 1) == 1) {
/* if mantissa[bit] is set, we need to divide whole number by fraction (fraction is 2^(bit+1) ) */
while (sideMultiplicator % fraction > 0 && (betweenResult >> 28) == 0) {
/* as we needed it before: if number gets near to overflow, store something in decimalExponent*/
betweenResult *= 10;
sideMultiplicator *= 10;
betweenResult += sideMultiplicator/fraction;
/* small normalization turning numbers like 15700 in betweenResult into 157e2 (storing zero padding in decimalExponent variable)*/
while (betweenResult % 10 == 0) {
betweenResult /= 10;
/* this method gets string in reqested notation (scientific, multiplication by ten or just normal)*/
return getExponentedString(betweenResult, decimalExponent);
Formatting a floating point number is rather non-trivial. Search e.g. for the Dragon4 algorithm (here is one result).
Very, very naively, you could try this:
Handle NaN and Infinity.
Print the sign (check < 0
). Assume henceforth the number is positive real.
If >= 1
, truncate and use familiar integer formatting to print the integral part. (There should be a machine instruction for that on any hardware that has a floating point unit.)
Print the decimal separator; now keep multiplying by 10 and print the truncated integral digit.
Stop when you've reached the desired precision; think about rounding the last digit correctly.