I was wondering, why are we using different launcher icons (sizes) in android. Currently you "have" to resize your icon to:
LDPI - 36 x 36
MDPI - 48 x 48
HDPI - 72 x 72
XHDPI - 96 x 96
And put them in the desired folder. But does it really matter if you would only put a xhdpi icon in your android application, and if you just leave the ldpi, mdpi and hdpi folder empty.
If you try the app with this configuration (only a xhdpi icon) on a mdpi device, automatically the xhdpi icon is used (I assume the device scales the icon automatically), and it looks just normal.
So what would stop us from only making a xhdpi icon. It will still result in a sharp app icon for every device (except xxhdpi ofcourse).
Rescaling overhead. Your icons may be used not only by your app, but also by few others. Like launchers, setting apps for installed software, share menus in many places.
Note that the higher the resolution, the more powerful the hardware. The lower the resolution, the less powerful the hardware. You may take an easy exercise. Open up an image in Gimp with resolution of 3000x3000. Scale it down to 50%. Even on a high end desktop it will take some time. Not long, but will.