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c# store multiple splitter position in user.config

In my winform there are some Splitter to separate some datagridviews, is there a way to store (and recover) the splitter position into the user.config?

I wish avoid to add a setting with a different name for each splitter if it's possible.

thanks in advance


  • I came up with something you may be able to use. A few things about this example:

    • I used SplitContainer, but I'd imagine you could adapt this pretty easily.
    • I only scan the form's list of controls - this method won't pick up all SplitContainer (you'll probably need to do that recursively).
    • This assumes you have a user setting called SplitterPositions of type string.
    • This doesn't take into account future changes to the form (i.e. rearranging controls, adding new sections, removing existing sections, etc.), so it's a bit fragile in that regard.

    I would personally recommend assigning names to your Splitters (or SplitContainers, depending on which type you're using) since that should shield you from the issues I mentioned.

    In any event I hope this helps.

    public Form1()
        Closing += Form1_Closing;
    void Form1_Closing(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
    private void SaveSplitterData()
        Settings.Default.SplitterPositions = string.Join(";", 
                                 .Select(s => s.SplitterDistance));
    private void ApplySavedSplitterData()
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.Default.SplitterPositions))
        var positions = Settings.Default.SplitterPositions
        var splitContainers = Controls.OfType<SplitContainer>().ToList();
        for (var x = 0; x < positions.Count && x < splitContainers.Count; x++)
            splitContainers[x].SplitterDistance = positions[x];