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Close Sheet with signal from C++ in Blackberry Cascades

I have a UI for some decryption software that gets invoked from the mail client on an encrypted attachment.

My decryption object emits a signal on successful completion of the decryption :

emit decryptedChanged();

which I pass through my controller object (attached as _encryptedattachmentencryptedattachment to the QML UI:

connect(m_decryptor, SIGNAL(decryptedChanged()), this, SIGNAL(decryptedChanged()));

I have a Sheet which is shown on invocation on an encrypted file: when the UI is initialised:

onCreationCompleted: {;

(at the end of my TabbedPane, before the attachedObjects where the Sheet is.)

I am trying to get the Sheet to close based on the signal.

Sheet {
            id: splashscreen
            peekEnabled: false
            Page {

                Container {
                    layout: DockLayout {
                    ImageView {
                        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                        verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill

                        imageSource: "asset:///images/background.png"

                    Label {
                        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                        verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
                        text: "Decrypting..."
                        multiline: true
            onCreationCompleted: {
            function onDecryptedChanged () {

The splashscreen will not close. I know the object can be seen by the UI, as I use other properties etc. Am I missing a QPROPERTY or something?


This is my signal definition:

Q_INVOKABLE void decryptedChanged();

Update again:

I have added some console.logs to the QML:

onCreationCompleted: {
    _encryptedattachment.decryptedChanged.connect( splashscreen.onDecryptedChanged() );
function onDecryptedChanged() {

This gives me the following ouptut:


which is backwards, and the splashscreen does not close.


  • The problem is in this line:

     _encryptedattachment.decryptedChanged.connect( splashscreen.onDecryptedChanged() );

    the parentheses after the onDecryptedChanged mean that that function is called, not connected to.

     _encryptedattachment.decryptedChanged.connect( splashscreen.onDecryptedChanged );

    works fine.