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Quickest way to get an in-app MP4 player in Android

I need to embed video in an Android application and hope to do so quickly in order to spin up a demo for my company. No proprietary SDKs allowed, so it seems my options are:

(1) OpenMAX AL
(2) OpenMAX IL
(3) Gstreamer
(4) ?

Any recommendations on which is the best approach? Requirements are that I play MP4 (typically with h.264 video and aac audio), show a progress slider, have robust seek and start/stop performance, and do progressive download on larger files over a network.

Restricting to Android 4.x and newer is fine (so OpenMAX is fine).


  • Android natively supports playing MP4 videos as per the Supported Media Formats guide. You can use a VideoView along with a MediaController to play videos with play/pause, rewind, fast forward, and seeking for progressively downloaded videos.