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Change Case to Capital on focusOutEvent

I have a customized QLineEdit editor for inputting initials in a delegated QTableWidget. I would like to force upper case once the focus has been left without using an input mask (f.i. without using self.setInputMask(">AA"))

- the QLineEdit text does get changed to uppercase when called
- the new uppercase text does not get reflected in the QLineEdit when focus is lost

See the custom class below:

class InitialsEditor(QLineEdit):
    # The custom editor for editing the Initials

    # a signal to tell the delegate when we have finished editing
    editingFinished = Signal()

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
            # Initialize the editor object
            super(InitialsEditor, self).__init__(parent)
            rx = QRegExp("[A-Z]{1,2}") # validate A-Z with 2 characters
            self.setValidator(QRegExpValidator(rx, self)) # limit the input to A-Z
            #self.setMaxLength(2) # limit the max char length

    def focusOutEvent(self, event):
            # Once focus is lost, tell the delegate we're done editing
            self.setText(self.text().upper()) # make the text uppercase
            print(self.text()) # returns the correct self.text() in uppercase...


  • Found out an alternative solution based on this answer. This solution results in only caps being entered regardless of case sensitive input (f.i. a or A results in A).

    The solution involves switching out the editingFinished event with textEdited event and associating it with the following new definition for my Class InitialsEditor:

    def updatedText(self):