hi i am new in NHibernate and i am a little confused.
Suppose we have a product table. Let the product table have 2 columns price1 and price2.
then i may query mapped product entities via HQL as follows:
string queryString = @"from product p
where p.price1 = p.price2 + 100 ";
IList result = session.CreateQuery(queryString).List();
How can i achieve that via ICriteria API.
i know it's absurd but i am trying sth like that:
.Add(Expression.Eq("price1", "price2" + 100))
or more appropriately sth like that (using lambda extensions):
.Add<product>(p => p.price1 == (p.price2 + 100))
in fact i downloaded lambda extensions project from googlecode and i extended it to recusively process Binary and Unary expressions to implement expresssions like:
.Add<product>(p =>
(!(p.price1 > 29007) && (p.price1 > 19009))
|| (p.price2 == 29009));
i am currently processing queries like above but the arithmethic clauses are annoying me since i can't return the appropriate Restriction to obtain the Criterion i need.
mpffh i m tired of trying to explain it in a comprehensive way. i hope it worked. Any help is appreciated.
You could try this:
ISQLFunction sqlAdd = new VarArgsSQLFunction("(", "+", ")");
var products = session
// TODO: replace this with appropriate type