I'm trying to use the Pocket API to authorize my application. So I'm using Nestful to send HTTP requests. And everytime I try sending a request I get a 400 Bad Request
. The Pocket documentation says that it could be that it's either a missing consumer key or a missing redirect url.
But now I'm looking at the network tab in Chrome and it says that there is a 500 Internal Service Error. What are these things, and how can I fix them?
My code:
require "nestful"
require "sinatra"
require "uri"
get '/' do
params = {
:consumer_key => '******************************',
:redirect_uri => 'http://localhost:4567/callback'
response = Nestful.post 'https://www.getpocket.com/v3/oauth/request',
:params => params,
:format => :json
get '/callback' do
"hello world"
So I got help on my problem. It turns out that params
was already a hash, and so I did not need to say :params => params
because that would be redundant.
response = Nestful.post 'https://www.getpocket.com/v3/oauth/request',
:params => params,
:format => :json
response = Nestful.post 'https://getpocket.com/v3/oauth/request',
:format => :json