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The annotation @Index is disallowed for this location

When trying to use the @Index annotation from javax.persistence, Eclipse gives me this error.

I'm using it right before a java.util.Date field, inside a class annotated with @Entity.

Before, I was using org.hibernate.annotations.Index in the exact same place and it was fine.

The problem started after I've upgraded hibernate-core from 4.1.9.Final to 4.3.0.Beta3 and hibernate-commons-annotations from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2. It says @Index is deprecated and recommends the javax.persistence one.

All docs and examples I've found put @Index before class members. What am I missing?


  • The JPA Index annotation can only be used as part of another annotation like @Table, @SecondaryTable, etc. (see the See Also section in the javadoc):

    @Table(indexes = { @Index(...) })