So here is the deal, I have a user class secUser that static hasMany = [pid:Process]
, also I am using spring security (not sure if it's related).
What I'm trying to do : display the drop box containing pids for the currently logged in user, had no idea how to go about it but after playing around made this
<g:if test="${secUserInstance?.pid}">
<g:select optionKey="id" optionValue="pid" name="pid" from="${}" />
My question is: when I put this code into the main page /
it does nothing, however if I go to /secUser/show/1
it shows the list of the pids belonging to the user . Can't seem to understand why it gets the info when I got to the secUser/show but doesn't anywhere else ...
P.S. I'm new to Grails and Stackoverflow but I've been stuck on this for days now and don't know where else to.
So your "/" path is wired to some controller in UrlMappings, in that controller there should be static defaultAction = "list"
probably, which points to method that will handle your "/" path, or if no defaultAction set then it will be index(){...}
So that method responsible for "/" path does not pass secUserInstance
to your "methodName".gsp file and this is why you cannot get it. While in /secUser/show/1
you access secUserController
method wich has [secUserInstance : secUserInstance]
or something similar and passes that object to gsp file.
You could add secUserInstance
accessible to every page using filters linke in: Add logged in user to context for all GSP pages
Or just pass that user object in your method responsible fo '/'