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Run child process and capture output one line at a time

I tried this code:

Local $foo = Run(@ComSpec & " /c dir", '', 0, 2)
Local $line
While 1
    $line = StdoutRead($foo)
    If @error Then ExitLoop
    $line = StringStripCR($line)
    If StringLen($line) > 0 Then ConsoleWrite("START" & $line & "END" & @CRLF)

I expected to get one line at a time, but instead I get 2, 3 or 50 lines. Why does this happen?


  • StdoutRead() doesn't split by line feed, it just returns chunks of data. The following code parses the data into lines:

    Local $foo = Run(@ComSpec & " /c dir", '', 0, 2)
    Local $line
    Local $done = False
    Local $buffer = ''
    Local $lineEnd = 0
    While True
        If Not $done Then $buffer &= StdoutRead($foo)
        $done = $done Or @error
        If $done And StringLen($buffer) == 0 Then ExitLoop
        $lineEnd = StringInStr($buffer, @LF)
        ; last line may be not LF terminated:
        If $done And $lineEnd == 0 Then $lineEnd = StringLen($buffer)
        If $lineEnd > 0 Then
            ; grab the line from the front of the buffer:
            $line = StringLeft($buffer, $lineEnd)
            $buffer = StringMid($buffer, $lineEnd + 1)
            ConsoleWrite("START" & $line & "END" & @CRLF)