In C# I find indexed properties extremely useful. For example:
var myObj = new MyClass();
myObj[42] = "hello";
However as far as I know there is no syntactic sugar to support fields that themselves support indexing (please correct me if I am wrong). For example:
var myObj = new MyClass();
myObj.field[42] = "hello";
The reason I need this is that I am already using the index property on my class, but I have GetNumX()
, GetX()
, and SetX()
functions as follows:
public int NumTargetSlots {
get { return _Maker.NumRefs; }
public ReferenceTarget GetTarget(int n) {
return ReferenceTarget.Create(_Maker.GetReference(n));
public void SetTarget(int n, ReferenceTarget rt) {
_Maker.ReplaceReference(n, rt._Target, true);
As you can probably see exposing these as one indexable field property would make more sense. I could write a custom class to achieve this every time I want the syntactic sugar but all of the boilerplate code just seem unnecessary.
So I wrote a custom class to encapsulate the boilerplate and to make it easy to create properties that can be indexed . This way I can add a new property as follows:
public IndexedProperty<ReferenceTarget> TargetArray {
get {
return new IndexedProperty<int, ReferenceTarget>(
(int n) => GetTarget(n),
(int n, ReferenceTarget rt) => SetTarget(n, rt));
The code for this new IndexedProperty class looks like:
public class IndexedProperty<IndexT, ValueT>
Action<IndexT, ValueT> setAction;
Func<IndexT, ValueT> getFunc;
public IndexedProperty(Func<IndexT, ValueT> getFunc, Action<IndexT, ValueT> setAction)
this.getFunc = getFunc;
this.setAction = setAction;
public ValueT this[IndexT i]
get {
return getFunc(i);
set {
setAction(i, value);
So my question is: is there a better way to do all of this?
Well to be specific, is there a more idiomatic way in C# to create an indexable field property, and if not how could I improve my IndexedProperty
EDIT: After further research, Jon Skeet calls this a "named indexer".
I found your idea useful, so I extended it. This may not technically be a proper answer since I'm not sure it squarely answers your question, but I thought it might be useful to people who came here looking for property indexers.
First, I needed to be able to support get-only and set-only properties, so I made a slight variation of your code for these scenarios:
Get and Set (very minor changes):
public class IndexedProperty<TIndex, TValue>
readonly Action<TIndex, TValue> SetAction;
readonly Func<TIndex, TValue> GetFunc;
public IndexedProperty(Func<TIndex, TValue> getFunc, Action<TIndex, TValue> setAction)
this.GetFunc = getFunc;
this.SetAction = setAction;
public TValue this[TIndex i]
return GetFunc(i);
SetAction(i, value);
Get Only:
public class ReadOnlyIndexedProperty<TIndex, TValue>
readonly Func<TIndex, TValue> GetFunc;
public ReadOnlyIndexedProperty(Func<TIndex, TValue> getFunc)
this.GetFunc = getFunc;
public TValue this[TIndex i]
return GetFunc(i);
Set Only:
public class WriteOnlyIndexedProperty<TIndex, TValue>
readonly Action<TIndex, TValue> SetAction;
public WriteOnlyIndexedProperty(Action<TIndex, TValue> setAction)
this.SetAction = setAction;
public TValue this[TIndex i]
SetAction(i, value);
Here's a simple usage example. I inherit from Collection and create a named indexer, as Jon Skeet called it. This example is intended to be simple, not practical:
public class ExampleCollection<T> : Collection<T>
public ExampleCollection()
ExampleProperty = new IndexedProperty<int, T>(GetIndex, SetIndex);
public IndexedProperty<int, T> ExampleProperty { get; }
private T GetIndex(int index)
return this[index];
private void SetIndex(int index, T value)
this[index] = value;
ExampleCollection in the Wild
This hastily constructed unit test shows how it looks when you ExampleCollection in a project:
public class IndexPropertyTests
public void IndexPropertyTest()
var MyExample = new ExampleCollection<string>();
Assert.IsTrue(MyExample.ExampleProperty[0] == "a");
Assert.IsTrue(MyExample.ExampleProperty[1] == "b");
MyExample.ExampleProperty[0] = "c";
Assert.IsTrue(MyExample.ExampleProperty[0] == "c");
Finally, if you want to use the get-only and set-only versions, that looks like this:
public ExampleCollection()
ExampleProperty = new ReadOnlyIndexedProperty<int, T>(GetIndex);
public ReadOnlyIndexedProperty<int, T> ExampleProperty { get; }
public ExampleCollection()
ExampleProperty = new WriteOnlyIndexedProperty<int, T>(SetIndex);
public WriteOnlyIndexedProperty<int, T> ExampleProperty { get; }
In both cases, the result works the way you would expect a get-only/set-only property to behave.