I'm using Python poster module 0.8.1 and I was wondering if it possible to increase default upload buffer size or 'blocksize' ? I found that default buffer size is 4096 bytes ( http://atlee.ca/software/poster/poster.encode.html#poster.encode.MultipartParam.iter_encode ) I tried to search some hints in documentation but no luck.
The API does not give you the opportunity to set the blocksize, no.
You can increase the buffer by patching the constant on the function:
from poster.encode import MultipartParam
iter_encode = MultipartParam.iter_encode.im_func # function object
iter_encode.func_defaults = (8192,) # set new defaults, a 1-element tuple
The .func_defaults
parameter of functions can be replaced at will, just make sure you replace it with a tuple of equal length.