Is there an algorithm or some heuristic to decide whether digital audio data is clipping?
The simple answer is that if any sample has the maximum or minimum value (-32768 and +32767 respectively for 16 bit samples), you can consider it clipping. This isn't stricly true, since that value may actually be the correct value, but there is no way to tell whether +32767 really should have been +33000.
For a more complicated answer: There is such a thing as sample counting clipping detectors that require x consecutive samples to be at the max/min value for them to be considered clipping (where x may be as high as 7). The theory here is that clipping in just a few samples is not audible.
That said, there is audio equipment that clips quite audible even at values below the maximum (and above the minimum). Typical advice is to master music to peak at -0.3 dB instead of 0.0 dB for this reason. You might want to consider any sample above that level to be clipping. It all depends on what you need it for.