So, here is the scenarion I have a webpart that loads some data. I have in another place of the page a button, that opens a popup, when the user does something in that page (create action), the popup is closed and the calling page is reloaded.
When this happen, I can see in the browser that the page is reloaded, but my new data is not shown on the webpart.
I am binding the data in the create child controls, I tried to do it in the page load but then it doesnt work. If I put my cursor on the address bar then it shows me the new data, but if I press F5 it doesnt.
public class LastCreatedJobs : WebPart
private GridView _lastCreatedJobsGrid;
protected override void CreateChildControls()
private void CreateGridControl()
_lastCreatedJobsGrid = new GridView();
_lastCreatedJobsGrid.RowDataBound += _lastCreatedJobsGrid_RowDataBound;
var bJobCode = new BoundField { DataField = "JobCode", HeaderText = "Job Code" };
bJobCode.ItemStyle.CssClass = "ms-cellstyle ms-vb2";
bJobCode.HeaderStyle.CssClass = "ms-vh2";
var jobName = new HyperLinkField
DataNavigateUrlFields = new[] { "JobWebsite" },
HeaderText = "Job Name",
DataTextField = "JobName"
jobName.ItemStyle.CssClass = "la";
jobName.HeaderStyle.CssClass = "ms-vh2";
jobName.ControlStyle.CssClass = "ms-listlink";
var biPowerLink = new HyperLinkField
Target = "_blank",
DataNavigateUrlFields = new[] { "IPowerLink" },
HeaderText = "iP Link",
Text = @"<img src='" + ResolveUrl("/_layouts/15/PWC/DMS/Images/iclient.gif") + "' /> "
biPowerLink.ItemStyle.CssClass = "ms-cellstyle ms-vb-icon";
biPowerLink.HeaderStyle.CssClass = "ms-vh2";
_lastCreatedJobsGrid.CssClass = "ms-listviewtable"; //Table tag?
_lastCreatedJobsGrid.HeaderStyle.CssClass = "ms-viewheadertr ms-vhlt";
_lastCreatedJobsGrid.RowStyle.CssClass = "ms-itmHoverEnabled ms-itmhover";
_lastCreatedJobsGrid.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
_lastCreatedJobsGrid.EmptyDataText = Constants.Messages.NoJobsFound;
catch (Exception ex)
LoggingService.LogError(LoggingCategory.Job, ex);
private void _lastCreatedJobsGrid_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
JobInfo jobInfo = (JobInfo)e.Row.DataItem;
if (jobInfo.IsConfidential)
var newHyperLink = new HyperLink
Text = @"<img src='" + ResolveUrl("/_layouts/15/PWC/DMS/Images/spy-icon.gif") + "' /> ",
NavigateUrl = jobInfo.xlink
catch (Exception ex)
LoggingService.LogError(LoggingCategory.Job, ex);
#region Private methods
private void LoadGridData()
String currentUrl = SPContext.Current.Site.Url;
var jobInfoList = new List<JobInfo>();
using (var clientSiteCollection = new SPSite(currentUrl))
foreach (
SPWeb web in
c =>
c.AllProperties[Constants.WebProperties.General.WebTemplate] != null &&
c.AllProperties[Constants.WebProperties.General.WebTemplate].ToString() ==
Constants.WebTemplates.JobWebPropertyName).OrderByDescending(d => d.Created).Take(5)
SPList jobInfoListSp = web.Lists.TryGetList(Constants.Lists.JobInfoName);
if (jobInfoListSp != null)
if (jobInfoListSp.Items.Count > 0)
var value =
new SPFieldUrlValue(
jobInfoList.Add(new JobInfo
JobName = jobInfoListSp.Items[0][Constants.FieldNames.Job.JobName].ToString(),
JobCode = jobInfoListSp.Items[0][Constants.FieldNames.Job.JobCode].ToString(),
xlink= value.Url,
JobWebsite = web.Url,
IsConfidential = HelperFunctions.ConvertToBoolean(jobInfoListSp.Items[0][Constants.FieldNames.Job.Confidential].ToString())
_lastCreatedJobsGrid.DataSource = jobInfoList;
catch (Exception ex)
LoggingService.LogError(LoggingCategory.Job, ex);
and the page that opens the popup:
<asp:Content ID="PageHead" ContentPlaceHolderID="PlaceHolderAdditionalPageHead" runat="server">
<SharePoint:ScriptLink ID="ScriptLink1" runat="server" Name="sp.js" OnDemand="false" Localizable="false" LoadAfterUI="true"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
//Just an override from the ClientField.js - Nothing Special to do here
function DisableClientValidateButton() {
function waitMessage() {
window.parent.eval("window.waitDialog = SP.UI.ModalDialog.showWaitScreenWithNoClose('Creating Job','Working on the Job site. Please wait.',90,450);");
and the code behind of that page, in a button click, just the important part, after the button is clicked.
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "CloseWaitDialog",
@"<script language='javascript'>
if (window.frameElement != null) {
if (window.parent.waitDialog != null) {
window.frameElement.commonModalDialogClose(1, 'New call was successfully logged.');
The trick here is that the loadgrid data has to be executed in the OnPreRender.