I'm trying to make a simple code for power 12 to 4(12 ** 4) . I have the output num (20736) but when I want to figure returns (20736) to its original value (12). I don't know how to do that in Python .. in Real mathematics I do that by the math phrase {12؇}
The question is how to make {12؇} in Python ?? I'm using sqrt() but sqrt only for power 2
#!/usr/bin/env python3.3
import math
def pwo():
f=12 ** 4 #f =20736 #
c= # should c = 12 #
return f,c
print pwo()
For scientific purposes (where you need a high level of precision), you can use numpy:
>>> def root(n, r=4):
... from numpy import roots
... return roots([1]+[0]*(r-1)+[-n])
>>> print(root(12))
[ -1.86120972e+00+0.j -3.05311332e-16+1.86120972j
-3.05311332e-16-1.86120972j 1.86120972e+00+0.j ]
The output may look strange, but it can be used just as you would use a list. Furthermore, the above function will allow you to find any root of any number (I put the default for r equal to 4 since you asked for the fourth root specifically). Finally, numpy is a good choice because it will return the complex numbers that will also satisfy your equations.