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Asterisk - executing agi script if call is not answerd?

Here is context CH1 which i want to call from .call file

same =>  n,Agi(agi://localhost/openlock.agi)
same =>  n,Background(CH1_WAVE1)
same =>  n,Hangup()

my .call file look like this

Channel: DAHDI/1/somemumber
MaxRetries: 3
RetryTime: 40
WaitTime: 25
Extension: 9367
Priority: 1

So my problem is this if one does not answer the call, my AGI script will not get execute, so is there any way to execute my AGI script if the call is not answered after 3 retries?


  • No way do it for 3 retries. But posible do for each retry.

    In call file change channel to Local/somenumber@dialout/n

    Create context

    exten => _X.,1,Dial(DAHDI/1/${EXTEN},,g)
    exten => _X.,2,Goto(${DIALSTATUS},1)
    exten => BUSY,1,AGI(busy.agi)
    exten => CONGESTION,1,AGI(fail.agi)
    exten => FAILED,1,AGI(fail.agi)
    exten => NOANSWER,1,AGI(noanaswer.agi)

    Also i higly NOT recomend create dialling if you are not guru in asterisk. Use opensource engines. It have REALY allot of issues you never think about.