I've been looking for a way to capture the order of element's listed within a tag, but haven't been very successful..
<leag name = "someName">
-Want to capture the order of elements in leag as 1)headlines 2)scores 3)statistics. If the xml changes and scores is listed before headlines it would be 1)scores 2)headlines 3)statistics.
I parse only android - Like this:
@Root(name = "android", strict = false)
public class android
@ElementList(name = "leags", required = false)
private List<Leag> leags;
public Leag getLeagByName(String name)
{ // go through list of leags and return leag with matching name}
So in my "leag" object I'd want to capture the order of elements - Is there a way to do that?
I'm assuming you'd need to set new AnnotionStrategy() like this:
tAndroid android = null;
Serializer serial = new Persister(new AnnotationStrategy());
android = serial.read(android .class, source);
League x= android.getLeagueByName("oeoe");
for(String s: x.getOrder())
Log.i("Order", s);
Supposing the xml above is what's being pased by the following code:
public class Headlines
@Element(name="pageType", required = false)
private String pageType;
@Element(name="story", required = false)
private String storiesURL;
@Element(name="fullStory", required = false)
private String fullStoryURL;
public String getStoriesURL()
return storiesURL;
public String getFullStoryURL()
return fullStoryURL;
public String toString()
return "PageType: " + this.pageType +
"\nStoriesURL: " + this.storiesURL +
"\nFullStoryURL: " + this.fullStoryURL;
Is there a way to somehow return the order in which the elements get parsed?
Like a method that will return a string of some sort with the correct order like:
You can use a Converter
to get the order. But you can't return the order from it (or better: you can, but better don't do it).
It's relatively easy to get the order - the trick is getting it out from the Converter
. On way is to add a list to your class and store it there.
@Root(name = "headlines")
@Convert(value = Headlines.HeadlinesConverter.class)
public class Headlines
@Element(name="pageType", required = false)
private String pageType;
@Element(name="story", required = false)
private String storiesURL;
@Element(name="fullStory", required = false)
private String fullStoryURL;
private List<String> order; // Here we save the order of the elements
public String getPageType()
return pageType;
public String getStoriesURL()
return storiesURL;
public String getFullStoryURL()
return fullStoryURL;
public List<String> getOrder()
return order;
public String toString()
return "Headlines{" + "pageType=" + pageType
+ ", storiesURL=" + storiesURL
+ ", fullStoryURL=" + fullStoryURL + '}';
// You can implement the converter as an extra class too
static class HeadlinesConverter implements Converter<Headlines>
public Headlines read(InputNode node) throws Exception
Headlines h = new Headlines();
h.order = new ArrayList<>(3);
InputNode next = node.getNext();
while( next != null )
final String value = next.getValue();
* You can use reflection (= slower) instead the switch, or
* remove the switch:
* h.order.add(next.getName());
* and do this after the while loop:
* h.pageType = node.getNext("pageType");
* ...
case "pageType":
h.pageType = value;
case "story":
h.storiesURL = value;
case "fullStory":
h.fullStoryURL = value;
/* Maybe some error-handling here?! */
h.order.add(next.getName()); // add 'value' if you want the order of the values
next = node.getNext();
return h;
public void write(OutputNode node, Headlines value) throws Exception
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
Note: I didn't use setter here - but it's better you do so.
final File f = new File("test.xml");
Serializer ser = new Persister(new AnnotationStrategy()); /* ! */
Headlines h = ser.read(Headlines.class, f);
int i = 1;
for( String s : h.getOrder() )
System.out.println((i++) + ". " + s);
and finally the output:
1. pageType
2. story
3. fullStory