I recently purchased an assortment of sensors from a company and have been having little success in getting them to communicate with my software. I sent a note to the manufacturer asking about compatibility and was told that the devices use 'proprietary ZigBee'.
What does this mean? Do they use a different command set? Is the information is encrypted somehow?
If they are "ZigBee certified" or have a ZigBee logo on the packaging, then they have to implement the standard ZigBee protocols, including ZCL (ZigBee Cluster Library) and ZDO/ZDP (ZigBee Device Object/Profile) on endpoint 0.
Their product could include Manufacturer-Specific clusters with undocumented commands.
If they're using ZCL, then standard ZDO discovery should still work and allow you to enumerate all endpoints and their clusters that don't have the manufacturer-specific bit set. If you know the 16-bit manufacturer ID they're using, you can discover those attributes as well, and display their values (you won't know what they are though).
You should consider reading the ZCL specification at zigbee.org, as it may help you to understand how ZigBee devices communicate with each other. It also explains the manufacturer-specific extensions to the standard.